I recently dabbled in the world of Illustrator to create some imagery for Orange: The Feed. To cool people down during the (not so hot) summer, The Feed sent an Ice Cream van to four cities to give people free ice cream. I created the series of maps of Manchester, Birmingham, London & good old Brighton, which people then chose the area in the city they wanted the van to visit.
I was also in charge of designing the exterior imagery for the Ice Cream Van. I did a bunch of illustrator stuff that wasn't actually used in the end, but I wanted to share it with you anyway.
The final decision for the van was to have a more hand-drawn feel to it, so I created the work in my traditional way, then converted it into an Illustrator document. You can see the results in the below video:
It was great to have a bash at creating things digitally. I'll definitely try more Illustrator stuff in the future.