Monday 6 September 2010


The edible adventure of Mr Foxly is now available in all the shops (well, all the good ones). To celebrate the achievement, I had a launch party in The Bee's Mouth, a pub in Hove. After one year of creating, one year of waiting, one week of organising, one day of baking & one day of hanging, I had created one hundred cupcakes in four different flavours, six A3 GiclĂ©e Prints, one Screen-Printed A1 End of the Road Festival Poster, two Shirts, one DVD containing six Films & twelve different A5 Lithographic Patterned Prints (five of which were framed). Despite all this work, I forgot to take any photos of my work. Luckily Joe Brett took my camera and got snap happy with the crowds. Using the following photos, it is possible to piece together the general exhibit and the atmosphere of the night...